What Is the Right Way of Applying Tanning Lotion

We all have made that tanning lotion application mistakes that will trouble us throughout our lives. As a newbie, we get confused about the tanning lotion to be like any other lotion, which just needs to be rubbed all over the skin and then washed off.

However, let’s not carry this misconception with us anymore, instead learn the best way to apply tanning lotion for fair skin or any other type of skin. The basics of using the tanning lotion for any skin type are the same.

Let’s dive deeper and understand the pre-requisites of applying self tanners for fair skin or any other form of skin.


More importantly, the beginners should know the preparations required before starting with tanning lotion routine.

Skin Type

Before selecting the tanning lotion, do ensure that it is suitable for your skin type. People with fair skin going for tanning lotion for fair skin might have faced the issues wherein the skin doesn’t tan burns slightly and starts to peel off. Not only it causes pain but also a burning sensation, which is not an excellent way to start with a tanning regime.

On the other hand, if you have a normal Caucasian skin that has been less or not at all exposed to sun, the burn might not be that severe, but the tan will also be very moderate. Therefore, having a good understanding of the skin would help in zeroing in on the right tan regime.

Preparing the Skin

Applying self-tanners for pale skin or fair skin conditioning, the skin is not the right approach. Experts believe that shaving, exfoliating, and showering a couple of days before the tanning regime is the best way to start.

Moreover, after exfoliating your skin, do not forget to apply a water-based light moisturizer, which would soothe the skin and retain the right amount of moisture.

How to Choose the Right Tanning Lotion

Sunless self-tanners for pale skin, as well as fair skin, are available in a lot of options in the market. Usually, the instructions, skin type, and the method of application are mentioned on all such products. It becomes essential for first-time users to read these instructions carefully before applying the tanning lotion for fair skin and any other type.

Let us understand the different ways which would help in selecting the right type of sunless tanner for the skin.

Sunless Gels and Mousses

This solution is apt for the experts and not for the newbies because it requires a specific sort of application expertise. After applying tanning lotion for fair skin, the quick stroke of hands would effectively let the skin absorb the mousse.

The reason why it is meant for the expert self-tanners is that the blending should be done quickly. These gels and mousses are for those who already have used tanners before.

Tanning Sprays

As the name suggests, tanning sprays are the best for quick tanning effect and also do not require any specific expertise or experience. These sprays are pretty easy to apply on the face as you just need to spray evenly on the face.

However, the spray bottle should be held 5-6 inches away from the face, and the hand should move in the circular motion. If you are looking for an airbrushed tan effect, then tan sprays are the right pick for you.

Tanning Moisturizers

Looking for a sunless tanning lotion for fair skin that can be used for a daily basis- tanning moisturizers could be your answer. Well, you can apply this lotion daily to get that glowy tan on the skin along with the perfect complexion.

These moisturizers are the perfect pick for those who are just starting and want to have a feel of tanned skin.

Well, whichever tanning solution you opt for, make sure that it is compatible with your skin. Further, if you are on any medication, ask the doctor whether or not to use the tanning lotion. It is because medications might act as a catalyst speeding the process and extent of tanning or even cause side-effects.